From Surf to Grunge: The Fender Jaguar's Life in Pop and Rock Culture
I'll warn you now, this is a long one. But if you're sick to the back teeth of those Jag history articles that cite Fender's m...
The Rise of the British Guitar Magazine
Are you ready for Planet Botch - the cult guitar mag?... No, neither am I, so this is only a mock-up cover, made with apologies to all wh...
The Original Fender Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster
The definitive 1991 production model of the Jeff Beck Signature Strat sitting pretty in Surf Green... Nice. If ever an early 'ninetie...
The Ibanez PH10 Bi-Mode Phaser
Tracing back the history of music technology, you'll find a period in the second half of the 1970s when the phase-shifting effect ente...
Flat Guitar Theory: Bustin' The "Wood Doesn't Matter" Myth
Vintage Strats look as good as they sound. But don't ask Victoria Druggs to pose with one unless you wish to hear an extended repertoir...
The Fender Vibroverb Vintage '63 Guitar Amp Reissue
I wouldn't say I was glad to see the back of the 1980s, but the decade had a lot to apologise for. Gated snares, chorussed toms, washe...
The Technique Trap: Why You Might Need a WORSE Guitar
In the land of Rick it's not black and sunburst - it's Jetglo and Fireglo. Everything about these beautifully-crafted, cellulose-f...
Guitar Addiction - is it a Thing?
Feast your eyes on the above picture. How long does it take your thoughts to wander into the territory of available funds? Less than seven...
Which Was The Best Vintage Telecaster Wiring Circuit?
When the market for vintage electric guitar replicas set light around the end of the 1970s, manufacturers of retro-spec Telecasters were ...
Recalling the Fender Japan Floyd Rose “Hot Rod” Strat
Yes, it's whammy time, as an early 1990s monster of rock pops its three-tone sunburst above the parapet for a heavily overdriven trip...
The 1990s Fender Model Code System Explained
Showing the model code 10-0909, a Fender USA '62 Vintage Reissue Stratocaster inspection tag from March 2nd 1990. How obsessive are y...
How Well Have 1980s Stratocasters Matured?
Well, we're here. This is it. This is the distant future that the 1980s guitar magazines talked about. The point at which the guitar...
Candy Apple Red: A History of Fender's Queen of Custom Colours
Is there a warmer finish anywhere on Earth? Candy Apple Red in all its glory on a Stratocaster, complete with the 1960s fashion statement o...
Ending The Confusion of Fender Japan's Vintage Strat Reissue Model/Year Designations
I'm sure you recognise them. But do you call these partners in crime the '60s and '50s Stratocaster reissues, or the '62 an...
Yamaha SG 2000 - Japan's First Megastar Guitar
“ Fabulously well made ”... “ Always a joy to play ”... “ A sound and sustain more like that from a Les Paul than almost any other Japanes...
The Story of the Vintage Reissue Guitar
Ohhhh yeahhhh! As Gibson themselves put it in 1970, the 1958-1960 sunburst Les Paul Standard design really was the “Daddy of 'em all”. ...
1996 Squier Deluxe Telecaster (Korea)
If ever you find yourself staring at a seemingly bog-standard Korean Squier Telecaster with a CN5 or CN6 serial number, you may not realis...
1987: A Landmark Year For Fender Guitars
TBX tone controls, Lace Sensors, bright yellow Strats, birth of Fender Korea, rebirth of Fender USA, death of Squier Japan, complete decimat...
Plywood Fender Squier vs Top Line Vintage Gibson
THE CONTENDERS A vintage Gibson ES-355 . A lavish, high-spend product, made in 1972, and sitting at the top end of Gibson’s range of thi...
Mexican Fender / Squier Strats: The Mid 1990s Boom
The aesthetically-pleasing Fender Contemporary Stratocaster, introduced in 1994, sat at the epicentre of Mexico’s bid to capture the Japane...
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