The Rise of the British Guitar Magazine
Are you ready for Planet Botch - the cult guitar mag?... No, neither am I, so this is only a mock-up cover, made with apologies to all wh...
The Technique Trap: Why You Might Need a WORSE Guitar
In the land of Rick it's not black and sunburst - it's Jetglo and Fireglo. Everything about these beautifully-crafted, cellulose-f...
Gary Moore: Why He Dumped Heavy Metal For Blues
With huge success, in 1989 the long-time rock guitarist and singer Gary Moore made a dramatic decision to dump heavy metal and pitch head ...
Total Recall - The History of Total Accuracy Guitar Tuition
Even the promotional giveaway audio cassettes from Total Accuracy came with a high quality chrome tape formulation. This 1993 promo feature...
Buried Reggae Treasures: The Torpedo Record Label
The Internet is heavily driven by populist themes. So if your interests have often strayed outside the mainstream, you may have struggled ...
25 Pro Rules You Should Checklist For Studio Recording
Recording and mixing a musical composition is often underestimated as a task, with the emphasis placed on the musicians rather than the re...
While My Fanbase Gently Weeps: The Music Business Sell-Out
In the finest of music biz stories, there comes a point at which the hand of commerce takes over, the essence of the initial excitement go...
Music Moments: Boney M's Daddy Cool on Top of the Pops
Any UK dwellers old enough to remember a mid 1980s alt comedy show called Who Dares Wins , may recall a clever and well played sketch in w...
Myth & Reality: “Home Taping Is Killing Music”
Ah, that enduring slogan… How much can you remember? Was the BPI’s infamous anti-piracy campaign a ’70s thing? An ’80s thing? Was the slo...
Rhythm Guitar and Other Reggae Secrets
Whilst, through history, there’s been a tendency for some musicians to look down on reggae, the style remains one of the most difficult fo...
How to Increase Your Odds of Music Business Success by 20,000
Okay, so you’ve probably seen the title, suspected it was empty clickbait, and taken a look just to marvel at the audacity of the post. Bu...
UK Punk Guitar: A Style Defined
Whether or not punk rock’s guitar style had a definite beginning is open to lively debate. And for good reason. The punk genre might have ...
Those Who Can’t… Confessions of a Private Music Tutor
Before the market for music tuition was revolutionised by free options online, it was possible for many local and decidedly average musici...
Songwriting: Avoiding Unwitting Plagiarism
Have you ever experienced a situation in which you’ve had a “flash of inspiration”, envisioned an almost complete musical idea out of now...
Death By Digital: How Technology Killed Music
The electric guitar has been one stronghold of pre-digital technology which refuses to die. Just as video killed the radio star, digital ...
Music Promotion on Twitter: From Soundcloud Spam to Success
Over on Twirpz , I’ve done quite a few articles about Twitter and its out-of-control ‘marketing’, and Twirpz is where I normally keep my Twi...
10 Free or Dirt Cheap Ways To Freshen Up Your Guitar Playing
We all get stuck in a rut at some time or other, and let’s face it, there’s a lot of advice on how to dig yourself out. Unfortunately tho...
Anyone Can Be Famous: Pub Rock
I wonder how many musicians reading this will have heard of a band called Eggs Over Easy? They’re not widely mentioned today, but, even thou...
Top Ten Waste of Money Musicians’ Purchases: 1980 to 1990
Above: 1980s stuff. Some of it was quite good. What a decade it was. The period between 1980 and 1990 was full of so many great developm...
The Classic Yamaha DX Synths: A 1980s Revolution
In the history of popular music, there’s never really been anything else like FM. Frequency Modulation , brought to the mass market by Ya...
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